The Comfort Behind the Brand

We believe being comfortable is among the most important determining factors to our happiness as human beings. This isn’t simply about wearing comfortable clothing. We’re also referring to being comfortable with who you person.

Isn’t it interesting as human beings are only creatures on earth that uncomfortable in our own skin? We recognize that most of human race is enamored by cosmos. Evening time is arguably the best time of day to relax and reflect on day’s events.


Why the Zodiac?

Whether you like your zodiac sign or not, feeling like part of a tribe seems to somehow bring us all closer together. It’s often fun to discover the parts of your personality that resonate with your intuition, your creativity and the inspiration you receive, especially as it pertains to learning to love the ideal person you want to become.

Even though most people don’t believe horoscopes can tell the future, there are many people who believe star signs can say something useful about themselves. Astrology is one of the world’s oldest natural Sciences. From the beginning of time humans have looked into the cosmos and wondered about the future and its impact on civilization. Wars have been fought and cities have been built and destroyed because of mysterious interpretations of star charts. Is astrology really even a science?

Since living in caves humans have come to believe in astrology. It seems we are seeking some kind of order for the random events that happen in our lives, and we often are fearful of the future and also feel vulnerable to much of the chaos that arises day to day. More than two thousand years ago the Babylonians developed their own form of horoscopes describing the 12 Zodiac signs. The Egyptians refined the system before the conquest of Alexander the Great. The Greeks were then introduced to the star systems of Babylon, Syria, and Persia. The Greeks eventually shaped the Zodiac into basically what we have today. 

We would like to pose the question . . . “If the lunar cycle caused your problem, what’s the use of taking responsibility?” As we learn to take responsibility for everything that happens in our life, the power within grows. We like to think the cosmos we see in the heavens show us the potential we have within us to be amazing. 

What if you were to stop seeking approval and validation from the many people who are telling you who you “should” be? . . . including a horoscope. Keep in mind consistent feedback from those we love and trust will also likely remind us of the things we don’t like about ourselves and help drive us to become better every day. Earl Nightingale said “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” We also believe there is a ton of value in the “Be – Do – Have” mentality as written about by L. Ron Hubbard. Our happiness, joy or satisfaction can be more calculated if we approach it from this idea . . . What/Who do I want to BE? What are the things I need to DO to be that person? And the result is that I HAVE what I want…
So in other words, in order to BE, you must DO, and only then the HAVING will come naturally.

The Energy Within

We hope that as you self-reflect while looking into the heavens, you may be inspired to visualize your dreams and help you realize your potential by expanding your comfort zone. Our loungewear is infused with the energy for you to focus on your dreams, to persuade you to write down your goals, to look at your goals everyday, and fall asleep dreaming about becoming your ideal self. This clothing is designed with the energy and comfort to help you believe you can become the person you’re destined to be.

Are YOU comfortable yet?

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  • Eliminating your bad habits
  • Figure out your true aim in life
  • Discover the secret to get more done every day
    Other important Secrets to becoming your ideal self